Hello friends, how are you all, I hope you are all well, a feature on WhatsApp might have a big screen sharing improvement up its sleeve, if you read this article wrong once, you don’t have to see any other article, a very good future has come on WhatsApp and you read the article once fast to last.
WhatsApp might have a big screen-sharing improvement up its sleeve
- This would allow WhatsApp users to audio, such as music, videos, or presentation audio, WhatsApp, during screen sharing.
- Whatsapp is reportedly working on adding audio to its screen-sharing feature.
- The feature is WhatsApp not yet available, to the public, but it has been discovered in an Application, teardown.
I know we but 95% of people use official WhatsApp, other ten percent of people use other WhatsApp. if you are using official WhatsApp, then you will get this Update sharing feature, update and share audio many more updates. article you read once Then you will get something.
Android authority, and WhatsApp beta, versions have some book images. that can make it more effective to recite prayers Power Road apps on your phone that you can share your edits while messaging apps.
Meta WhatsApp, brought the screen-sharing functionality to Official WhatsApp, in September, of this year 2023. However, there was one major drawback. you couldn’t WhatsApp, or share your Voice, with others. This was a major WhatsApp bummer for people who use Official, WhatsApp. as their primary messenger for communicating with friends, family, & colleagues. Beyond casual talks, many rely on it for business tasks like WhatsApp, and presentations.
screen share option, not available on WhatsApp video call problem solve Hello guys welcome back to another brand new video today in this Article, I’m going to show you how you can fix this problem, guys as you can see here let me just show you uh if we click on this icon here you can see Sprint share cookie
WhatsApp Screen Share
Let me just click here, and then uh here you can see start now “optionifically”, to start now option then we will be able to share our screen so uh you can see here stop sharing option is available. here so if I click on this main menu here on my screen, and let me just show you I mean so guys you can see here this is my other phone.
so uh let me just show you by moving the screen here you can see here I can just move my screen and if I go to Instagram here you can see uh my screen Share, is moving right now so uh this is how you can share screen and if you don’t get these features.
WhatsApp update Screen
Then I’m, going to show you how you can do that so now what. you need to do is that you have to go to your “Play Store” or App Store on your device okay? after going to the App Store or Play Store, you have to check whether your uh “WhatsApp”, application is updated or not.
so let me just show you how you can check it just type WhatsApp and here you can see it’s a written update so make sure to update your WhatsApp after updating your WhatsApp what you need to do is that you have to check whether.
You the WhatsApp screen-sharing
feature or not because, if it is not available there then what you need to do is that you have to go to your phone settings. okay, let me just. show you you have to go to your phone settings. so guys here you can see this type of interface. will pop up on your settings and you have to search for “Swift”.
software updates, or system updates, so as you can see here I have software updates. simply, click on it and then here. you have to check whether, your device is asking, for any update or not so if your system. or your new device is asking for any update make sure to update. your device and after updating your device.
you are you just need to “refresh”, your phone, and then you can check, whether the problem has been solved. or not guys again if it is not soft, then what you need to do is that you have to delete it. your “WhatsApp”, from your device after deleting the WhatsApp application.
I mean steering feature, in WhatsApp but not yet available, we got only edit coded. No word on when or if it will hit WhatsApp, the public.
You just need to reinstall. wait for some time to “refresh”, your phone, and then you will get the “WhatsApp screen sharing”, features on “WhatsApp”, and video call I hope this video is absolutely helpful for you thanks for watching guys see you soon on the next Article.